November 20, 2007

OMG. Its ROCK BAND!!!!!!!!

As we all know, forming a band is tough for even the most talented musicians (like me). Good guitar players are scarce, basements are smelly, and nobody ever knows the same song as anybody else. But today all that changed........sort of. The newly released Xbox 360 game Rock Band is a reincarnation of the popular rhythm game Guitar Hero. But there is one small difference. In this game, Harmonix design studio invited the rest of the band. Now you can create "music" with up to three Friends by pressing buttons at the right time, as bars scroll down the screen. That is, if you already have the game, or pre-ordered it. If you have not, better start looking NOW. Oh, and did I mention the drums? Yea, there are drums to. The pack comes with a "Fender guitar", set of four drum pads (real sticks included!), and a USB mic(and of course, the game disk), so the whole band can go on a world tour that involves making actual and somewhat realistic risk-reward decisions, such as what size venue to play in. (Smaller venues give less money than larger ones when you beat a song, but you lose a larger fan base when you fail in a larger venue. But that's not important because you wont fail. Right?) And no, pressing buttons on a guitar shaped controller (while also pressing the strum bar, no less!) has very little to do with actually playing guitar. But the four drum pads and kick pedal are very much more close to actually drumming! Will it be easier for real drummers? I don't know, but I am determined to put it to the test in my quest to create....
The greatest ROCK BAND band ever!!!!
Armed with a band of Guitar Hero veterans, a singer (open tryouts are this Sunday 12-3 pm), and some seriously mad drumming skills, I am DETERMINED to take the digital world by storm with my band's crazy shredding/bassing/pounding/loud singing. But first I need an Xbox 360. Shoot, I should have thought of that before.........
So now I am on a quest to.....
Get an Xbox 360 and the game ROCK BAND in order to create.....
The greatest ROCK BAND band ever!!!
Lets get started!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.